Fantasy map making software for gamers and authors!
Fractal Mapper 9.0 - System Requirements
Most modern Windows-based computers can run Fractal Mapper nicely. Here's what you'd need:
- Intel Pentium® IV class PC or faster with 1 GB RAM.
- 250 MEG free hard disk space
- Microsoft Windows® 10 (64-bit) or Windows® 11 (64-bit). Fractal Mapper 9.0 is a 64-bit application and requires a 64-bit operating system. 32-bit operating systems will not be able to run it. Fractal Mapper 9.0 may also run on other earlier versions of 64-bit Windows (such as Windows 7 and Windows 8), but only Windows 10 and 11 are officially supported and tested.
- Fractal Mapper has been reported to run well under WINE in Linux, but WINE is not an officially supported platform.

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