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All Categories > Fractal Mapper > Maps > Fantasy > Overland
Jörðgarð Map of Week #263 - Main Island Castle Interior
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Apologies for the delay this week. The release of Bogie's Mapping Objects and repairs of download files that were corrupted by problems on the host's server took a good bit of time. The 263rd Map of the Week is from the second Jörðgarð (TM) Trails adventure on the Fallen Empire Trail, "Draug Hunters." The map shows the interior of the castle complex on the main island of the Misty Spring area. Misty Spring is a large lake that is fed by a spring. The lake is the source of the Fogwater River. Unknown to most, there are sseveral populated islands upon the lake. It is a hidden area, constantly covered by a magical fog.

Much of the old baronial castle stands empty today. The rest has been converted, for the most part, for other uses than when Austamæra barons still ruled and resided here. It took considerable work to restore the castle. Most of it was made possible by the castle island tinker, Melkólmur, and one of the outer island rangers, Erlendur, who turned his refuge into a makeshift sawmill and who made himself into something of a do-it-yourself sawyer. Fortunately, most of the supplies that Melkólmur and Erlendur need were found in a castle storage center, where many of the still remain.

Key to the floor plan

Ground Floor

1. Entrance

2. Entryway.

3. Baronial Tower.

4. Conference Room.

5. Missing

6. Wizard's Workshop (formerly the baronial administrative office)

7. Broom Closet

8. Jakes

9. Kitchen

10. Stairway to the Kitchen's Cellar Storage Area

11. Dining Hall

12. Baronial Steward's and Cook's Quarters

13. Spiral Staircase to the Cellar and the Upper Stories

2nd Story:

13. Spiral Staircase to the Cellar, the Ground Floor and the 3rd Story

14. The Visitor's Rooms

15. Jakes

16. Broom Closet. No longer in use.

17. Bath

18. Baronial Tower

19. Ballroom

You can get this floor plan in two versions:

1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 version in FMP format, fully editable (9.5 MB) from the Jörðgarð website.

2. As two JPG flat maps of 1360 x 530 Pixels each (530 KB), available with the hyperlink below.

Both versions are released for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License Version 1.0a, which you can read on the Jörðgarð website at:


Next Week: Elendur's Isle

Mark Oliva
The Vintyri (TM) Project