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All Categories > Fractal Mapper > Maps > Fantasy > Overland
23 New Maps: Jörðgarð Northwest Vol 4 Released
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FM8 relevance: This release includes 23 FM8 maps that can be downloaded free and edited in FM8 as wished, including for custom use in other campaigns.

The announcement:

For both Dungeons Daring (TM) and OGL 3.5 campaigns. The latter includes Pathfinder (R), Dungeons & Dragons (R) 3.5 and, to a certain extent 13th Age (TM) campaigns:

Today, we released the 4th and final volume of the 1514-page bookmarked PDF Jörðgarð (TM) campaign setting accessory, "The Northwest." It now can be used together with the earlier released volumes I to III and the historical volume, "Urð's Heimskringla - Tales of the Past." Among other things, Volume 4 includes more than 229 pages of key NPC statistics in Dungeons Daring and OGL 3.5 formats for Volumes 1 to 4 and 23 maps. The maps and texts all can be downloaded in editable formats to allow custom use. The entire package is free, open source, open game content, released under the Open Game License 1.0a.

Content in Volume 4:

Karelenland: The last land upon the Jörð where light elves still dwell in the Dimension of the Living. The Kareli close their land to outsiders, making it difficult (but not impossible) to enter. Those who succeed might gain training in the world's finest schools for adventurers. Karelenland is populated by light elves, half-elves and humans as well as a single dwarf. It borders on the Dreadlands ruled by the undead Duke þráinn and is just across the northern channel from Norðland, ruled by the evil dark elven Witch Queen Luohi. The country offers many opportunities for adventure.

Gold Coast: A sparsely populated coastal march with only basic development by the authors. However, it too borders upon Duke Thraínn's Dreadlands and the Orchome mountains. Adventure opportunities are unlimited. The Gold Coast is reserved for further, individual development by game masters.

Orchome West: Once the northern home of the dwindling Auðar stone giants in the Foggy Mountains, this area now is home to many rival tribes and bands of orcs and ogres.

Auðarhome: The area in the southern Midworld Mountains where the remaining Auðar stone giants dwell. They leave outsiders in peace, as long as they remain outside, but woe be any outsiders who enter their mountain home.

Norðland: The northern island ruled by the evil dark elven Witch Queen Luohi and occupied by her dark elven folk.

For more information, go to:

www.vintyri.org and check the Jörðgarð option.

The Vintyri (TM) Project is a non-commercial operation. We sell nothing. We neither solicit nor accept donations. We do no kickstarters. All of our products are free.