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Jörðgarð Map of Week #134 - Pavel's Mill Village
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With the 134th Map of the Week we take a look at Pavel's Mill, a derelict village on the River Storming in Grainland County that hardly would exist if it wasn't for the 3200-man military garrison there.

Key to the Map of Pavel's Mill

1. River Storming.

2. Millstream.

3. Alexej's Wagons. Master Wainwright Alexej, a 55-year-old human male artisan, makes and repairs wheelbarrows, carts and wagons including lumber wagons for the timber camps outside of town. He employs a journeyman wainwright, a human female craftsman, and a human male apprentice, a commoner. Locals are a bit worried about the future of the smithy. Alexej has made it clear that he intends to move to Newhouse and take up gardening there when he retires a decade from now. His 24-year-old journeyman, Klaudie, is the daughter of the widowed wainwright Běla in Václavsmlýn. She intends to take over her mother's smithy when the latter retires. At the end of this year, Alexej intends to elevate his 15-year-old apprentice Luděk, a human male commoner, to the rank of a journeyman, but it is unclear whether Luděk will advance far enough to pass the master's test before Alexej retires.

4. Pavel's Mill. Pavel was the name of first sawyer who restored the old Æsir sawmill. Today it belongs to master sawyer Bronislav, a 49-year-old human male artisan. The sawmill is the only producing business in the village. It makes lumber of timber brought in from logging camps on the perimeter of the Dark Hills. Bronislav employs two journeyman millers, two apprentices, three teamsters and a laborer. All are human males and females. The journeymen are craftsmen. The others are commoners. Bronislav lives with his wife, Anna, a 45-year-old human female commoner, in an apartment above the mill.

5. Pavlína's Smithy. Master Blacksmith Pavlína, a 40-year-old human female artisan, left her husband behind in Windland and fled to Slovania after the minions of the local baron in her homeland began to suspect her (rightfully) of supporting a brigand rebel band. She and her apprentice, Robin, a 17-year-old human male commoner, shoe horses, repair metal items and make other metal items when there is an order for them.

6. Bořek's Bakery. Master Baker Bořek, a 41-year-old human male artisan, bakes the bread consumed in Pavel's Mill. Because the village has neither farmers nor a grain mill, he has a substantial customer base. Bořek employs two journeyman bakers, both human male and female craftsmen; two apprentice bakers, both human male and female commoners, and two saleswomen, both human female commoners. One of the saleswomen sells bakery at a market stand several days a week, when the weather is suitable.

7. West Garrison. Count Blahoslav has a contingent of 300 soldiers – warriors, fighters, scouts, rangers, two healers and two war wizards - stationed in Pavel's Mill. Their main job is to patrol the east bank of the River Storming and the inner perimeter of the Dark Hills northward half way to Storm Fortress and southward halfway to Storm Mill and the Dark Hills Road eastward to the county line. When they are available, the garrison's healers also will aid non-military locals in an emergency because there are no other healers anywhere near the village. The garrison commander is Commandant Andrea, a 44-year-old human female ranger. The garrison compound includes a horse stable and a woodshed. Only low-ranking soldiers live in the barracks on the second and third stories of the main building. Scouts, rangers, sergeants and officers live in private boarding houses in the village. The soldiers who live in the garrison have meal tickets for the public room of the Millstream Inn (Location No. 10).

8. Baronial Castle and Town Hall. Baron Hanuš, a 58-year-old human male warrior, and his baronial government, share the castle with small village government of Burgomaster Vratislav, a 59-year-old human male merchant, and his 10-member village watch – all human male and female fighters - under Commandant Štefan, a 34-year-old human male warrior. Town hall and the watch headquarters are on the ground floor. The baronial government and baronial hall are on the 2nd story, along with the quarters of the baron's unmarried adjutant, Filip, a 39-year-old human male merchant. Hanuš has his quarters on the 3rd story. The widowed baron also occupies the east tower, using it as a study and library. The west tower is occupied by his Court Wizardess Anna, a 40-year-old human female wizard. Local rumors have it that Anna also is Filip's bed companion, but the castle's servants refuse to discuss such things. The castle's cellar includes a storage area, baronial wine cellar and the small, local jail. Vratislav employs two clerks, both human male and female merchants, and three laborers, all human male and female commoners. The baron employs a master cook, a human female artisan; three house servants, human male and female commoners; a teamster, a human female commoner, and three stableboys and –girls, also human male and female commoners. The baronial complex includes the castle, a woodshed and a combination coachhuse and stable.

9. Butcher Kazímir. Master butcher Kazimír, a 38-year-old human male artisan, buys and slaughters boar, deer and rabbits brought in by hunters and trappers who ply their trade in the western forest perimeter of the Dark Hills. He makes smoked and cured sausages that are sold in his shop and in Storm Fortress. Kazimír also sells fresh meat to the Millstream Inn and in his shop, when it is available. He employs a journeyman butcher, human female craftsman; an apprentice, a human male commoner, and a saleswoman-laborer, a human female commoner.

10. Millstream Inn. The inn's owner, Vendelín (real name: Marek), a 55-year-old human male thief, is a fuzigitive from Watertown in Windland. When the thief reached Slovania, he looked for an unlikely but potentially profitable location where bounty hunters from the south might not find him. That brought him to Pavel's Mill, where he bought the rundown but somewhat profitable inn and made it considerably more profitable. As unlikely as it might seem to be at first, the Millstream Inn is a small gold mine. It also is Pavel's Mill largest employer. The guest rooms have regular usage from teamsters of Royal Trading. Many of the townsfolk eat in the inn. The local garrison has no mess hall; it pays the inn to feed more than 100 of its lowest ranking soldiers thrice daily. Vendelin also is under contract with Royal Trading to house and care for its horses and to shed its wagons when they come to town. He has remodeled things, partly to keep the more rundown parts of the complex from disintegrating, but above all because he has discovered that the more comfortable and friendly the inn is, the longer the customers stay and the more they spend. That notwithstanding, one still would have to describe it as being simple in comparison with most other Slovanian hostelries. The inn's weakest point is its food. Vendelin has hired good cooks who give their best, but the raw materials are limited. Meat is not the problem. Local fishermen provide fresh fish daily from the River Storming, and butcher Kazimír (Location No. 9) keeps the inn well stocked with venison, boar and sausage. However, no crops or grains grow anywhere near Pavel's Mill. As a result, the only fruit and vegetables available in the village and to the inn's cooks are root and storage fruits and crops such as cole varieties, carrots, beets, turnips, potatoes, apples and pears, as well as vegetable and fruit conserves. Because there is no grain mill in Pavel's Mill, even ground flour, feed and vegetables must be brought in from Storm Mill. For that reason, meals are somewhat limited. Because many villagers have no kitchens in their quarters, the inn serves breakfast not only to house guests but also to the general public. The public room is open from 8 to 24 bells (8 a.m. to midnight) everyday. Breakfast is available from 8 to 10 bells, lunch from 11 to 14 bells (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.) and dinner from 17 to 21 bells (5 to 9 p.m.). Breakfast is at a fixed price of one bronze piece. Lunch menus run from 3 to 6 bronze pieces. Dinner runs between 5 and 8 bronze pieces. Cold bread boards are available at all times when the public room is open. The only drink available is lager beer from the house brewery, which also uses barley malt and hops from the Storm Mill area. The beer is a bit more expensive than in other locales because of the transportation costs for the ingredients. It costs 3 copper pieces per pint/half-liter tankard and 5 copper pieces per quart(liter tankard. The brewwife is Stela, a 48-year-old human female craftsman. Guest rooms cost 5 bronze pieces per person nightly. Vendelin employs 31 persons. Libuše, a 46-year-old human female merchant, is his innkeeper. She in turn employs a bookkeeper, a human female merchant; a master cook, a human male artisan; five journeyman cooks, human male and female craftsmen; three apprentice cooks, human male and female commoners; two bartenders, human male commoners; two bouncers, human male and female warriors; a headwaiter, human male scholar; six waitresses, human female commoners; two chambermaids, human female commoners; two laborers, human male commoners; three stableboys- and girls, human male and female commoners, and the brewwife Libuše. The inn complex includes the main building, a stall and wagon house, a brewhouse and a woodshed.

11. Marketplace. Anyone who has legitimate wares to sell can do so on the marketplace without needing a permit or paying a market fee. Despite that, the market square usually is mostly empty. Pavel's Mill and Storm Fortress to the north don't offer enough potential trade to draw many peddlers and merchants from points to the south.

12. Royal Trading Co. Outpost. This is a main station on the Royal Trading route between the Storm Fortress in Royal County and Desert's end. The coster's wagons bring goods to Pavel's Mill and Storm Fortress but usually travel empty back to Storm Mill and points beyond to the southwest. The only important exception is when Bronislav at Pavel's Mill (Location No. 4) sends out lumber orders, which are transported by Royal Trading. Outpost Manager Radka, a 50-year-old human female merchant, employs a journeyman wainwright, a human male craftsman, as well as three laborers and three stableboys and –girls, all human male and female commoners. However, there often are as many as a half dozen other Royal Trading employees in the compound who are in transit. The main building includes the coster's office and Radka's quarters. Two warehouses are south of it.

13. General Store. Iva, a 52-year-old human female merchant, owns the only general store in the village. She has a surprisingly wide selection of those things that most folks need in their daily life, including textiles and footwear in readymade sizes and the same types of non-perishable crops, vegetables, flour and feed as mentioned in the description of the Millstream Inn (Location No. 10). She's quite willing to order any non-perishables that a customer wants, if the customer is willing to wait three to four weeks for delivery. She'll even order perishables for customers who are willing to take a chance, provided they pay in advance and agree to accept the items regardless of condition. Iva sells handcrafts and other products that some locals make in their spare time, but most of the items on her shelves are brought in from elsewhere by the Royal Trading Co. Iva employs two saleswomen and two laborers, all human male and female commoners. She lives in an apartment on the store building's second story.

You can get the map in two versions:

1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 version in FMP format, fully editable (28 MB) from the Jörðgarð website.

2. As a JPG flat map of 1360 Pixels x 1020 Pixels (670 KB), available with the hyperlink below.

Both versions are released for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License Version 1.0a, which you can read on the Jörðgarð website at:


Next Week: Pavel's Mill - Millstream Inn

Mark Oliva
Webmaster, the Vintyri Project (TM)
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