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Jörðgarð Map of the Week - #78 - Óðinn's Fortress
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With the 78th Map of the Week we continue in the borderlands town of Óðinn's House in the Kingdom of Slovania. This week we take a look at Óðinn's Fortress, above the Outer Town south of the main settlement.

Key to the Map of Óðinn's Fortress:

1. Gate. The road from Óðinn's House winds upward from the north along the east side of the castle and then stretches back southward to the gate. The massive wooden gate doors always are shut and barred both magically and physically. Visitors who are not members of the circle and who have not been invited seldom are allowed to enter the complex. The circle doubts that the Slovanians of Óðinn's House or bands of adventurers have any information or goods that would interest it. Strangers who want to enter need to convince the guards that this is not the case.

2. Administrative Building. This was Óðinn's main governmental building. It now houses a small library and the watch. The building has a kitchen and dining room for circle members and Kirsti, the half-elven female sorcerer-warrior who was sent as an ambassador by the Kareli princes, who has the privileges of a circle member. It also has a conference room where those who convince the guards to let them through the gate can relate what they wish to circle members of higher rank. It is doubtful that outsiders will get beyond this point within the fortress complex. (Much of this building has been mapped and detailed separately.)

3. Main Palace. This is the part of the complex where Óðinn and his wife, the goddess Frigg, met guests and where the other Æsir deities dwelt. The throne room on the ground floor seldom is used. The second story is a huge but empty ballroom. The upper stories are the dwellings of the resident circle members and Kirsti. There also are rooms for travelling members of the circle who are visiting the fortress. (The throne room has been mapped and detailed separately. The rest of this wing is available for expansion by individual game masters.)

4.-5. Palace: Center and East Wings. Both wings now are empty and unused. In earlier times, these wings served mainly as quarters and barracks for the warriors of Óðinn's army who were stationed here.

6. Magicians' Tower. Laboratories for the white druids, magi, wizards and sorcerers of the circle are in this tower. Earlier, this tower was used exclusively by Óðinn and his fire deity Loki. (The tower has been mapped and detailed separately.)

7. Arnfinnur's Chambers. The high white druid, Arnfinnur, who has no wife, dwells here. Óðinn and his wife, the goddess Frigg, dwelt here earlier. They allowed no one else to enter the chamber except for Frigg's handmaiden. Arnfinnur continues that practice. He allows no one in his chamber except his manservant, Greipur, who also has a room in the chamber.

8. Keep. The circle has made no use of this tower to date. Óðinn built it as a last sanctuary in time of attack. The first 40 feet/12 m from the ground up are empty and floorless. There are another five empty stories above it. Old skeletons found on the ground level suggest that this may have performed double service as a hunger tower.

9. Thing Hall. In Óðinn's time, this served as the great conference hall of the god-king and the other Austamæra Æsir deities. Today it serves the same purpose for Arnfinnur and his circle members. (This building has been mapped and detailed separately.)

10. Arnfinnur's Tower. This is the white druid's magician's tower. No one but Greipur is allowed to enter, and he enters only when Arnfinnur requires his physical help with a project.

11. Servants' Residence. The 20 Æsir refugee servants and laborers employed by the circle have their quarters, kitchen and dining hall here.

12. Tack Room.

13. Stable. The circles' and guests' mounts are kept here.

Beyond the Surface Map:

Dungeons. The cellars beneath palace buildings 4 and 5 served as dungeons in Óðinn's time, and they were renovated to serve the same purpose for the circle. (The dungeons have been mapped separately.)

You can get the map in two versions:

1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 map in FMP format, fully editable, from our Jörðgarð web page (15 MB).

2. As a JPG flat map of 1360 Pixels x 945 Pixels (625 KB ), available with the hyperlink below.

Both versions are released for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License Version 1.0a, which you can read on the Jörðgarð website at:


Next week: Óðinn's Fortress - Administrative Building

Mark Oliva
The Vintyri (TM) Project