Our spring bed fill pattern generated some how-to queries in another forum, so I'll offer the answers here too. Basically, some people wanted to know how we would add water to the spring bed fill I posted a few days ago. One answer is: If you want to recreate the original Siegritz spring, not at all. It's shallow. The fill pattern includes the water. If you want a spring where the water is deeper in the middle, you can use water overlay fill patterns. The ones that we use are available in the download below. We simply place several water layers over the spring bed, giving them increasing levels of transparency and putting a strong feather effect on each layer to make it blend well. The graphic above is a quick-and-dirty example. It's not a masterwork spring, but it gives you a quick idea of how to do it. The fill patterns below are released under the Open Game License 1.0a.
Mark Oliva
The Vintyri (TM) Project