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All Categories > Fractal Mapper > Maps > Fantasy > Overland
FM8/CS: Dungeons Daring 2E
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This notice is relevant to users of both Fractal Mapper 8 and the NBOS Character Sheet Designer/Viewer. Please keep in mind that this is non-commercial, free material and not an attempt to earn money by spamming the list. Our main non-commercial products are the Vintyri (TM) Cartographic Collection of free tools for FM8, the free Dungeons Daring (TM) fantasy RPG and the Jörðgarð campaign setting, which still is in development. Early in 2011 we expect to start releasing free Jörðgarð previews, which will include a large number of FM8 maps in their original editable FM8 format. This means that you will be able to modify them to your heart's content and even convert them to any non- Jörðgarð campaign that you choose. Our newest release, however, is the 2nd Edition of the free, open source Dungeons Daring RPG. Some members of this forum helped us in our early development stages, so you'll find your names on the credit pages of our books. The new 2nd Edition release, with more than 1,000 pages of material, includes an introductory adventure, a players guide, a game masters guide and a creature guide in PDF format, all available under the Open Game License 1.0a. It also includes a free collection of more than 20 FM8 maps in their native format and a free Dungeons Daring character sheet for use with the NBOS Character Sheet Viewer. We use the term "open source" because all of the texts and the maps also can be downloaded in editable form for those who wish to modify the material or to incorporate parts of it in their own products. The texts are available in the odt-Format of the free OpenOffice.org Writer program. The maps are in the fmp-Format of FM8. For those who are uninterested in the Dungeons Daring game, the maps still may be of interest, because they can be modified easily for use in your own campaign. Likewise, the CS Viewer character sheet might have elements that you would want to incorporate in character sheets of your own design. The 2nd Edition release follows a little more than two years after release of the 1st Edition. Since the original release, we have had many suggestions, comments and criticisms from game masters and players in Dungeons Daring campaigns. These led us to believe that a new edition incorporating those suggestions should be issued now. The main changes are the elimination of character classes, which are replaced by a skills-and-professions system, an overhaul of the magic system and improvement of the undead creatures in the Creature Guide. The 2nd Edition is not compatible with the 1st Edition, but conversions are easy. 1st Edition downloads will remain available for those who prefer the original issue. For more information and downloads, go to www.vintyri.org. The link below will download a sample of our new CS Designer/Viewer character sheet with supporting files.