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Vintyri (TM) Symbol Set 4 Released
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The Vintyri (TM) Project has released the free and open Symbol Set 3 of the Vintyri Cartographic Collection. This set includes 286 new FM8 raster symbols in the roof styles brown and light beaver tail clay tile, slate tile and wood shingle. The structures fall into the categories of agricultural and culinary structures.

Before I say more about the collection, one additional important point: Some FM8 users have had issues with the resolution of Vintyri symbols on large zoom-ins. The web site has a page on issues that will tell you how to resolve these problems quickly and easily if they apply in your case.

Symbol Set 4 includes 286 building objects of house-barns, barns, farm sheds, pig pens, a Flax-breaking (heckling) house, hops farms, pig and sheep pens, sugarhouses, a tobacco drying house, a treadmill, breweries and brewhouses, a coachhouse, distilleries and inns.

Accompanying the symbol set and available for download is a free and open 70-page PDF that gives you good tips on how to apply these symbols in your maps and RPG, historical data on the real-world prototypes that served as models for the new buildings and photos of many of these prototypes.

Those of you who make your own FM8 symbols may also find some interesting new ideas in these photos.

We're now in the advanced stages of work with the free and open Symbol Set 5, the last symbol set in the collection, which includes institutional and governmental structures such as temples, garrisons, castles and the like. It should be available for download within a few weeks.

The download link below will give you a small sampler of symbols in the FM8 download package, if you want to see some of the real thing before downloading. However, to download the complete Symbol Set 4 (96 MB) and the PDF (6.3 MB), you need to go to:


Mark Oliva
The Vintyri (TM) Project