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Fix Small Bodies Distance v1.0
Alan Bartholet
Date Added:
According to NBOS Support
"'Small bodies' is really just a note that there are numerous small, unremarkable bodies in orbit (small chunks of rock). Its not a single body with a single orbit, but rather debris found in orbit at various places. So there's no orbital parameters per se, and they arent shown in the system diagram. Think of it as the orbital equivalent of a 'look out for falling rocks' sign."
Unfortunately by default 'Small Bodies' have a distance of 0. This causes the Travel Calculator to throw an invalid floating point violation error, in order to fix this we will set the distance to 0.01. This will achieve the same affect for all intents and purposes without causing the error.
This script will run on all bodies and child bodies in a sector. If a body of type 'BODY_TYPE_SMALLBODY' has a distance of 0 this script will update the distance to 0.01
Comments and rating are welcome and appreciated.
If you have any questions, suggestions or encounter a bug please contact me through the mailing list and include "Fix Small Bodies Distance" in the subject.
Change Log:
Version 1.0
- Initial upload