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Generate New Solar System Bodies v1.1
Alan Bartholet
Date Added:
This plugin is available as a right click popmenu option. It will generate new planets, asteroid belts, planetoids, etc... for a star system without changing the name or properties of the star itself.
If this is run on a multiple star system it will generate new data for all child stars. If it is run on a single star that is a child of a multiple star system it will only generate new data for the selected child star.
A message box will appear when you run the plugin asking of you want to allow for random populations. If you select "Yes" the system generation will attempt to place random populations but it is not guaranteed. If you select "No" then no populations will be placed.
Comments and rating are welcome and appreciated.
If you have any questions, suggestions or encounter a bug please contact me through the mailing list and include "Generate New Solar System Bodies" in the subject.
Change Log:
Version 1.1
- The plugin will now only run when used on the various star or multiple star bodies.
Version 1.0
- Initial upload