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All Categories > AstroSynthesis > Star Data
Hip Catalog 500 Ly
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Robert Graham
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Astrosynthesis Star Chart Data for X Distance from Earth Data arranged to be saved as a .csv file for import into Astro Produced by Rob, using the data found at www.astronexus.com/general/data/hyg.php
Ok, that's basically it I produced it by having though to redo the entire X,Y,Z mass and Lum data from the
Data that was avalible in the catalog i could get *nods to the link*, There are likely errors, the Multipuls are
Not set up as Multipuls.. I might fix it later, but there Are a lot of stars in there...
Anyway, Have fun use them.. and Please if your gonna redistribute them at least give me the credit for producing them.
Thanks goes out to Nbos for Astro like always!
Ohh Before I forget the Naming Convention! Yes the Planets are named as follows:
Common name - Bayer flamesteed Cat - Gliese Cat - Hip Cat
So if you see something like, Proxima Centuri - - GL 551 - 70890
you know that it's Common Name is Proxima Centuri, It has no Bayer Cat id, It's Glise Cat is GL 551 and it's HIP number is 70890
hope that helps.
-Rob Graham