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All Categories > Fractal Mapper > Maps > Fantasy > Overland
Jörðgarð Map No. 506 - Stag's Leap
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This map is from the pending Fallen Empire Trail adventure Trailsend. Key to the Map of Stag's Leap.

1. Wayhouse.

2. Natan's Archive.

3. Wayhouse Horse Stable.

4. Wayhouse Brewhouse and Distillery.

5. Horse Stall of the Resistance. Ranger Dofri is one of the main horse breeders of the Resistance.

6. Dofri's House.

7. Semaphore. This complex consists of two towers. To the south is a stone tower 70 feet/21 meters high and 20 feet/6 meters in diameter, connected to the stone tower by a wooden bridge. Other than ladders, its only contents are sealed pails containing variously colored powder. A bridge extends to the north tower. It is made of wood but also stands 70 feet/21 meters high and is 25 feet/7,5 meters wide on each side. Atop the tower is a stack of kindling wood and upon it a large stack of young tree trunks, each about 20 feet/6 meters long. This is part of a network semaphores. In times of trouble or need, one can ignite the kindling and throw a pale of one of the colored powders into the flames, which make them turn the color. The color defines the nature of the danger or the warning. Guards on other semaphores can see the flames and pass on whatever news that they convey. The guard members who maintain the tower watch live in the houses below (No. 8).

8. Houses of the Guards.

9. House of Esjar and Rosborg. The married couple, both commoners, take care of all the manual labor except cooking and the maintenance in the Wayhouse complex.

10. Marketplace. Artisans come here once a month and farmers once a week, spending two to three hours with each visit, to sell their wares or their farm produce.

The original, editable Fractal Mapper map can be downloaded free at:

FM9 Version (cannot be read by FM8!):
www.vintyri.org/downloads/stagsleap_FM9.zip (46 MB)

FM8 Version:
www.vintyri.org/downloads/stagsleap.zip (46 MB)